Railway Cuts Down The Sleeping Time From 9 Pm To 10 Pm To Make Sitting Comfortable To Other Passengers- Nirmal Singh Lotus Green.

Railways has been coming up with the new rules and regulations to make the travel more comfortable for its passengers, from ease in the reservation to the food quality and it’s pricing

Nirmal Singh Lotus Green talks about the recent add on to that is the sleeping timing for the passengers. The railways has decided to make reduce the sleeping hours for the passengers in the reserved coaches from 9 P.M. to 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. The decision has been taken in order to avoid the fights between the passengers due to the sitting problems because other sleeping on the seat.

Nirmal Singh Lotus Green says that a circular about the change in the time has already been issued for spreading the news of the changed sleeping timings in the reserved coaches. The circular dated August 31 said that it is the responsibility of the railways to ensure that the passengers also get the siting accommodation and with people sleeping during the odd timings was preventing them from that and also was a major reason behind that quarrels that take place in between the passengers most of the time.

Nirmal Singh Lotus Green said that in order to assure that the decision is taken in a positive light and to confirm the comfort of the senior citizens, the disabled travelers or the sick ones, the circular also contained a line, saying that it is everyone’s duty to see that the fellow passengers are comfortable, hence the passengers should also ensure that they cooperate with the ones that are sick and genuinely need to lie down on the seat.

Another reason that the railway official mentioned behind the decision as that the passengers on the lower birth and even on the middle birth went to sleep as soon as they boarded the train, making it difficult and impossible for the other passengers to settle down and adjust, leaving no other option for them but to lie down.

The same problem occurs when the person on the middle birth refuses to get up and the person on the lower birth and the upper birth have to face the problems and sit uncomfortably till the passenger on the middle birth decides to get up.

Nirmal Singh Lotus Green says that the decision would make the travel more comfortable for a lot of people and also stop them for quarrelling over such petty issue, but everything depends on how well the passengers adapt to the new change by the railways.


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