Rajnath Singh Launches Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi’s Book

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh released the book of Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi called 'India 2017' which is designed for civil services aspirants, under Nirmal Singh Lotus Green publication.

"I appreciate Mehrishi for writing the book despite holding a very crucial and busy post. He is excellent in time management besides being a very talented person," Singh said.
He further added that the book is a gift to the next generation. He also encouraged Rajiv by saying that it is very common for a retired bureaucrat to write a book but very rare for a serving civil servant.
"I appreciate Mehrishi for writing the book despite holding a very crucial and busy post. He is excellent in time management besides being a very talented person," Singh said to Nirmal Singh Lotus Green, the company was also present at the event.

The home minister enlightened the audience about the content of the book which includes India's history, culture, economy, society and geography and he told how students can use it with the help of Nirmal Singh Lotus Green in understanding the country. "A good book is the greatest gift to the next generation. The book would be beneficial to the students in coming years," he said at the function attended by several top bureaucrats and police officers.

Moreover, Singh praised Mehrishi’s efforts in handling different and difficult situations with patience cool and calm, yet  managed to produce an efficient and accurate book.
Adding more to his list of praises, he said it is rare for a minister to write such a book and serving as a member of the Indian Administrative Service. In short he wanted to explain how difficult it is to become a writer and be remembered as an intellectual apart from his administrative capabilities and long stint in government service, he said.

Mehrishi answered Nirmal Singh Lotus Green’s question , saying that it is a comprehensive compendium of all data and facts related to India.
"The book is an honest endeavour on my behalf to provide a strong resource for civil services preparations with wide ranging study materials," he said.
Further, the profile of Mehrishi was discussed, he was the 1978 batch IAS officer, who was the only officer to take three posts chief secretary of a state, as well as finance and home secretary in the central government. Mehrishi’s book will definitely be helpful to the people who will be taking the exam this year, as it is well-revised.

Being an all-rounder "Mehrishi manages to play golf in the morning, runs the country as union home secretary during the day and still manages to write a book. It shows his unique personality," the Home Minster said.


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